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Addictive Drums 2: what's new in version 2.6

New in Addictive Drums version 2.6

The Addictive Drums 2.6 update (free for all AD2 users) delivers new and much-requested features that will speed up and turbocharge your beat-making workflow. Run the Online Installer to update now

Export loops & samples like a breeze

New Audio Recorder in Addictive Drums 2

Quickly export one-shots and loops with the new Audio Recorder. Any sound you make in Addictive Drums 2 is automatically available via drag-and-drop to your desktop or DAW.

Your file is auto-trimmed to the closest half bar for perfect loops every time, and file names always contain date and tempo information for easy sharing and organization.


Select the perfect sound with Snapshots

Snapshots in Addictive Drums 2

Snapshots let you quickly evaluate and A/B test your sound selection and tweaks. Your current settings are saved by default in Snapshot 1. Click + to create a new snapshot, apply your tweaks, and toggle between Snapshots to hot swap between your settings in real-time.

You can save up to 5 snapshots. Any change you make is automatically saved in the currently selected snapshot.


Turbocharged browsing

Keyboard shortcuts in Addictive Drums 2

Browsing presets and beats just got turbocharged. You can now navigate Addictive Drums 2 with the arrow keys on your keyboard. Use up/down to quickly audition presets, beats, and fill-ins. Use left/right to move in and out of lists, and to browse your kits in the Explore view.


Store & audition potential beats in the Shortlist

Shortlists in Addictive Drums 2

As you browse beats in Addictive Drums 2, drag your favorites to the Shortlist to audition as your song plays. From there, drag the best ones into your project. The Shortlist is saved with your project/session.