- Two kick drums, tambourine and cowbell
- Controllable room tone and tons of presets
Ludwig Vistalite kit
A classic Ludwig Vistalite kit with all the punchy, electrifying tones of rock's golden age.
It's great for those big and bold beats, giving you all the flash and vibrance you could ever need - and then some.

The sound of glam rock
Vintage Ludwig Vistalite kit
Let's be clear, at XLN Audio we don't do things just for show. This Ludwig Vistalite kit sounds every bit as punchy and outrageous as it looks, but it doesn't hurt to throw in a little showbiz sometimes.
Since 1972, vistalite kits like these have provided their thunderous, resonant attack to artists who knew that spectacle was a big part of the art. This kit has full glam credentials.
John Bonham, the legendary drummer from Led Zeppelin, was a big fan. David Bowie and Lou Reed both sang in front of a set. Keith Moon of the Who famously filled one of his with goldfish for one concert!
Add a second kick drum, a full set of Zildjian cymbals, a double steel tambourine and a cowbell, and you're ready to rock and roll!

Kick |
Snare |
Toms |
Cymbals |
Extras |

Soundtrade Studios
Soundtrade is Stockholm's oldest and largest surviving studio, and over the years everyone from ABBA to Childish Gambino have come here to take advantage of its massive 100 square metre studio 1 live room’s world-class acoustics. Basically anything you put into this room sounds great.